Raptors in Denmark














The Raptors in Denmark

An introduction in english



The Society for the Danish Birds of Prey.


The Society for the Danish Birds of Prey is an independent organisation founded September 2008 by Danish ornithologists, teachers, nature photographers, forest technicians and biologists. Members of the society study population ecology of Danish Raptors and have been or are still active in ringing of birds of prey. In census areas studies of breeding density and breeding rates of the Danish raptors are carried out: the famous Kolding Census study which has been undertaken since 1973, the Goshawk census study in Northern Jutland, the Red Kite census studies in Jutland etc. 




White-tailed Sea-Eagle adult (photo: Jacob Eskekjaer  Ó 2008)


Studies of feeding strategy and behavioural patters of raptors is carried out by some of our fantastic photographers. Members of the society have cooperated with Danish television on films about the Sea Eagle, the Buzzard, The Goshawk and the Sparrow Hawk.


A joint project between nature photographers and bird watchers who study Sea Eagle and Osprey began in 2008 with the purpose of documenting the origin of breeding eagles in Denmark by reading ringed birds. Unfortunately Danish eagles have not been ringed until 2007, but so far more than 10 colour ringed breeding birds have been documented.


The Society was formed in September 2008. On the home page articles and preliminary papers from members of the society are presented. Members of the group have publicised papers in Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Rovfuglegruppe, for projekter under DMU eller Miljøministeriet. Danish Ornitologisk Forening´s Raptor-Group periodical Accipiter from 1976 -1998, in Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift,  in DMU reports etc. Mange af gruppens undersøgelser er blevet publiceret i f.eks.Most of these are not available for the public and it’s our aim to present preliminary reports which can provide further knowledge for visitors on our website .




Common Kestrel - pair (Photo: Bente Holm-Petersen 2009 Ó)




Some of the best Danish raptor photographers present pictures documenting behaviourism in raptors.


The population of Raptors in Denmark is estimated as follows (2005-2008):


Approx. population


Honey Buzzard

Pernis apivorus  


Red Kite

Milvus milvus

73 pairs (2008) 

Common Buzzard

Buteo buteo


White-tailed Sea-eagle

Haliaeetus albicilla

25 pairs i 2008


Accipiter gentilis

350 (decreasing)

Sparrow Hawk

Accipiter nisus 


Marsh Harrier

Circus aeruginosus   


Hen Herrier

Circus cyaneus 

1-5 (since 1990)

Montagou´s Harrier

Circus pygargus

20-30 pairs

Golden Eagle

Aquila chrysaetos

5 pairs


Pandion haliaetus

2-10 pairs 

Peregrine Falcon

Falco perigrinus  

3-4 pairs


Falco subbuteo

10-20 (rare)

Europaen Kestrel

Falco tinnunculus

more than 3000


Any questions fore The Society for the Danish Birds of Prey, please contact:

Per Bomholt, Brennerpasset 100, DK-6000 Kolding email: pb@danmarksrovfugle.dk





DanmarksRovfugle.dk © 2008 •  WEBMASTER Benth Micho Møller                                                                       opdateret 10-03-2009